Identify EVs in AMI Data
Advanced AI and Machine Learning Algorithms
How it Works
EVFinder'sSM advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms detect EV charging in your utility's territory. The algorithms are trained and validated using real-world charging data for different climates, EV stock, and driving patterns. The complexity of each home's electricity usage requires extensive experience to avoid prediction error– experience Sagewell has. Use EVFinderSM to locate EVs and maximize LCFS credits, increase EV program enrollment, identify targets for EV marketing, and assess localized impacts to the distribution network.
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EVFinderSM has a variety of uses that can help your utility.
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Contact us now to find out more.
Identify EVs that contribute the most to peak poadDetermine if a load management program in necessary and target the drivers who are most impactful for enrollment.
Analyze EV concentration and potential distribution impactsFind load concentration risks and consider transformer upgrades. Identify areas that require additional investment.
Promote existing EV programs to non-participating driversFind and target the EV drivers who have yet to enroll in TOU rates, demand response, and other EV programs.
Identify drivers likely to purchase EVs for marketingWant to increase EV adoption in your territory? Select the best candidates for a successful marketing program.
Electric Vehicles are here! Sagewell has solutions!